Wednesday, November 14, 2018

How Do We Prevent Hormonal Imbalance Naturally?

Consumption of zinc rich food: It's one of the most powerful mineral that will prevent conversion of testosterone to estrogen in the body. Researchers also found out that most of the population who suffered from hormonal imbalance had zinc deficiency. Most of the times when we suffer from zinc deficiency we notice loss in energy levels, sex drive, reduced muscle mass and bloating. Hence this mineral plays a vital role in reversing hormonal imbalance. Whole grains, fortified breakfast cereals, oysters, seafood, nuts and spinach are some of the richest sources of zinc.

Healthy Gut: Most of the signals begin from the gut to the brain. So keeping the gut healthy is one of the basic necessities to keep your hormones in balance. serotonin is a necessary neurotransmitter that helps to keep you away from stress, further helping you balance hormones. Research states that even thyroid health is related to gut health
Limit caffeine consumption: researches have proved that too much of caffeine consumption creates disturbance in the functioning of endocrine system hence, leading to imbalance of hormones.

Sleep well: Your brain needs rest so as to recharge itself and work hard to balance your hormones.So sleep can create an impact on your hormones and make you per-diabetic.

Avocado: They are highly demanded because their amazing health benefits. Avocados are full of healthy fat, fiber, potassium, magnesium and folic acid which are all essential for maintaining your hormonal balance.

Egg yolks: Even though you feel the egg whites are the healthiest, yolks have hidden facts that help keep thyroid hormones upright. They are packed with choline and iodine plus rich in Vitamin B, A, E and K. It has an added benefit of keeping your reproductive system healthy.

Herbs and Spices: Ginger, garlic, clove, cinnamon etc. These herbs and spices are important to keep the fertility problems at bay and also it gives a healing power to the hormones.

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